Paso del Norte Dressage Society is a Group Member Organization of the United States Dressage Federation.

 Members receive the right to vote, hold office, receive our newsletter "On The Bit",participate in the PdNDS awards program, and are on the list for show premiums and clinics.  If conditions of shows or clinics require limitation of  riders/participants, PdNDS members are given first consideration in registration.  Members also save money on the non member fees for shows and clinics

When you join PdNDS, you are not just joining a local group.

FULL PdNDS members automatically become USDF Group Members.

Half of your membership fee goes to USDF for group member status.

. By joining your local GMO, you automatically 
become a group member (GM) of USDF.
Group Member Benefits

  • e-TRAK, the online learning center that provides quality equine education in one convenient location!  

  • Login to the award-winning online USDF Connection, our exclusive member magazine

  • Discounted rates for USDF educational events, including the annual convention, national symposium, adult clinics, Jr/YR clinics, and the Trainers’ Conference

  • Discount in the USDF store

  • Eligible to earn USDF University Program credit

  • Discount on memberships with USDF’s educational partners

  • Free one-year basic subscription to Barnby Notes

  • USDF Connection, USDF’s exclusive member magazine ($15 postage fee applies to members outside the U.S.)

  • Yearbook issue of USDF Connection

  • Eligible to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions  (USEF membership qualifications are separate)

  • Eligible to participate in the USDF Rider Award Program


As you can see, joining Paso del Norte Dressage Society gives you a wide variety of benefits beyond the local level.